deKay's Lofi Gaming

Chip ‘n’ Dale: Rescue Rangers (NES)

Next week on ugvm (the newsgroup, that is) has been designated Retro Week. In preparation, I fished out my NES and some games. This was one of those I decided to try. And, it’s pretty good. Yeah, it’s a standard platformer, but there’s nothing wrong with is so far as I can see. Well, aside from the nasty limited continues and the go-back-to-the-start-of-the-level when you continue thing, but that’s normal for games of this era. I reached the first end …

Behold – the NESurrection

Dug out the NES the other week to record some more stuff for Game Over, Yeah!! but it wasn’t working. The PSU was shot, so I bought a new one from I was sceptical because the NES needs a 9V AC adapter at 1.3A, and this was a 9V DC at 400mA. I read up a bit about it and it turns out that much of the current is needed to actually convert to DC internally, and in fact, theres …